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I'm looking for a job
I'm looking for talent

A job starts with a meeting

Refugee Talent Hub brings employers and refugees together with the goal of paid employment. Do you want to increase your chances of finding a job? Or are you an employer looking for talent? We make it possible!

An employer initiative

Refugee Talent Hub is an employer initiative, by and for employers. Together with employers, we organize activities for refugees in the workplace, with the goal of paid employment.

The value of work is immense, and talent is abundant. Unfortunately, there are barriers at the individual, organizational, and societal levels between refugees and employment. We must break through this ceiling together. Will you help too?

  • Wilma Roozenboom
  • Director Refugee Talent Hub

Upcoming events

Refugee Talent Hub organizes events to bring refugees and employers closer together. Do you want to register? Then you need a free account.

  • September 10th 2024 to February 20th 2025
  • The Hague
  • NN Group

IT Mentoring Plus Programme

Finding a job with a refugee background can be challenging. For example, because you have a small professional network, know…

  • September 9th 2024 to January 16th 2025
  • Online & Live

Finance Academy (19 weeks training program)

After four successful editions, EY, KPMG, NN Group, Achmea and Refugee Talent Hub are working together to organize the Finance…

  • August 7th 2024
  • 10:00‐12:00
  • Online
  • KPMG
  • Closed

KPMG Coding Course

Applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis via the Google Form!

All knowledge in one place

Are you an employer and want to know how to prepare your organization for the future? Refugee Talent Hub has extensive knowledge about hiring, mentoring, and optimally utilizing refugee talent.

July 26th 2024

Kijk naar mijn potentieel, in plaats van het label 'vluchteling'

  • First-hand experiences

Energieleverancier Essent is sinds 2020 partner van Refugee Talent Hub en ondersteunt talenten met een vluchtelingenachtergrond in de richting van…

July 19th 2024

Hoofd in de wolken, voeten op de grond, kop in de wind

  • In practice

Droom groot: Refugee Talent Hub streeft naar een eerlijke arbeidsmarkt waar vluchtelingen gelijke kansen krijgen en hun talenten benut worden.…

July 11th 2024

Blik op recruitment: skills-based hiring

  • Employment best practice
  • job market
  • recruitment
  • HR in L&D

Skills-based hiring is hiring people based on skills and competencies – instead of on the basis of their CV and…