About us
We are Refugee Talent Hub, an employer initiative. We bring refugees and employers closer together with the aim of paid jobs.
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Our story
We are Refugee Talent Hub, an employer initiative. Since 2016, we have been bringing refugees and employers closer together with the goal of paid employment. Many employers are eager to utilize the talent and craftsmanship of refugees but find it difficult to connect with them. The same is true for refugees; many are eager to work but struggle to find employment. Being new often means having a small network and difficulty meeting employers.
Our dream is a Netherlands where employers recognize and utilize the talents of refugees, giving them the right opportunities in the job market.
The Value of Work
Employers with a diverse workforce are demonstrably more successful than others. Teams become more innovative through new perspectives, and colleagues learn from each other. As a result, organizations become more agile and future-proof.
For a newcomer, a job is about much more than earning money. Having a job also means structure, social contacts, and the feeling of being needed and belonging. Various studies show that work greatly contributes to rapid integration, self-reliance, and independence.
Our approach
Together with various employers, we are working towards a world where people's talents are recognised and utilised.
One of the main barriers in the search for work is the lack of a network. Employers and refugees simply do not meet each other. Therefore, our activities focus on these meetings: a great way for employers and candidates to get to know each other personally and look beyond the CV.
Additionally, we support employers in creating a so-called refugee-friendly workplace. We have divided our expertise in this area into the following pillars: support, recruitment, and retention.
We are also committed to changing societal perceptions. Refugees are, after all, just professionals who happen to be born elsewhere.
All activities are tailored to the specific needs of employers. Depending on what an employer wants to achieve and how the employer wants to support professionals with a refugee background, we choose specific types of activities.
Training programs
Training programs
Training programs

Want to know more about the activities you can offer as an employer?
Read moreRefugee-friendly workplace
Organising activities for refugees alone is not enough. On the employers' side, it is important to focus on diversity and inclusion, or in other words: how do you create a 'refugee-friendly workplace'? Together with employers, we work on strengthening internal support for diversity in the workplace and pay special attention to working with refugees.
Monthly employer session
Monthly employer session
Monthly employer session

Want to learn more about a refugee-friendly workplace?
Read moreSocietal perceptions
We see refugees as professionals born elsewhere. People with talents, with new or different perspectives. People who can contribute to organizations and to our society.

Our impact
We are who we work for: a diverse mix of talents, personalities, and backgrounds. All committed - we work energetically towards that one goal: narrowing the gap between employers and refugees.

Our board consists of highly committed senior management professionals who encourage, motivate, and provide constructive criticism as they closely oversee our activities.

Council of Friends
Our Council of Friends consists of a group of motivated former candidates who support us with advice and assistance, just like good friends do.