About us

We are Refugee Talent Hub, an employer initiative that brings refugees and employers together with paid jobs as the goal.

Many refugees in the Netherlands are eager to find work. However, not everyone is able to find a job. When you are new, you often have a small network and it is difficult to meet prospective employers. On the other side, many employers would like to use the talent and craftsmanship of refugees, but are unable to find them. A joint network is missing.

That is why Refugee Talent Hub was founded in 2016. We bring affiliated employers into contact with job-seeking refugees through small-scale, customized meetings. Because a job opportunity starts with a meeting.

This is in the interest of everyone - the refugee, the employer and society. Having a job contributes greatly to rapid integration and employers with a diverse workforce are more successful. In addition, a job is about more than just making money. For refugees, having a job also means structure, social contacts and gives a sense of being needed and of belonging.

At Refugee Talent Hub we work with customized meetings that foster personal contact, which helps to get to know each other - and is a necessary step towards a fruitful collaboration. Our meetings consist of company visits, work experience programs and other work-related activities. All of our events happen in the workplace and are small-scale, practical and efficient. You can find the complete range of our Dutch and English-speaking events here.

Our way of working is based on our Hub concept. We connect knowledge, experience and contacts of a large network of employers, refugees and social organisations. We do this, among other things, by stimulating the exchange of knowledge between employers and by working closely with civil society organizations such as VluchtelingenwerkNederland, the New Dutch Connections, NewBees and UAF, the foundation for refugee students.

The idea of our Hub descends from consultancy firm Accenture. The company presented the idea at the annual World Economic Forum in 2016, after which Refugee Talent Hub was launched the same year. The organisation has now grown into an independent foundation with a large network of committed employers and refugee talents. As co-founder and corporate partner, Accenture is still closely involved in the activities of Refugee Talent Hub.

Eva Huson Senior partnershipmanager
Salar Ashari Fotograaf / Sociale media /Back office
Wilma Roozenboom Directeur
Batsheba White Senior partnershipmanager
Lana Savic Partnershipmanager
Valérie van de Luitgaarden Coördinator Projecten en Programma Team
Samina Ahmed Programmamanager
Jan-Simon Rotgans Senior partnershipmanager
Ria Yetsenga Communicatie
Sabine de Frémery Senior partnershipmanager
Naiem Zayeri Programmamanager
Mirthe van Pelt Programmamanager (Accenture)
Houda Zaït Partnershipmanager
Meghelina Moesker Programmamanager (Rabobank)
Dennis Aarnink Programmamanager & communicatie
Jeroen Kerkvliet Programmamanager (Rabobank)
Juliet van Vliet Programmamanager (Accenture)
Yavuz Aksen Programmamanager
‘Ik heb al zoveel ambitieuze, veerkrachtige en leergierige vluchtelingtalenten mogen ontmoeten dat ik me met volle overtuiging inzet om vluchtelingtalenten in te zetten in het bedrijfsleven’
— Manon van Beek
‘Vluchtelingtalenten zijn een verrijking voor de arbeidsmarkt en ik ervaar het als zeer waardevol dat ik mijn kennis en ervaring mag inzetten in mijn bestuursfunctie bij de Refugee Talent Hub.’
— Charlotte van Thienen
‘Er zit volop talent in de groep mensen die nieuw in Nederland is aangekomen’
— Harm Albert Zanting
‘De Refugee Talent Hub biedt vluchtelingen perspectief en versnelde integratie door werk en werkgevers toegang tot gedreven medewerkers met enorme veerkracht, een prachtige win-win situatie’
— Nynke Jansen
‘De rol van bestuurslid bij de Refugee Talent Hub past goed bij mij en bij wat ik wil teruggeven aan de maatschappij’
— Zina Agovic