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Privacy statement

Refugee Talent Hub records data from refugees who register with us, and from our partners and others interested in our activities.

Processing of your data

Refugee Talent Hub (RTH) records data from refugees who register with us, and from our partners and others interested in our activities. This also includes personal data, such as names, (e-mail) addresses and telephone numbers. According to the General Data Processing Regulation (GDPR), we must record the agreements regarding the processing of personal data. For example, we must indicate what we do and do not do with the data, and what we expect from our partners.

This statement was adopted on July 3, 2023 and only applies to candidates and website visitors.

Who is this policy intended for?

This policy is intended for all persons and organizations with whom we exchange personal data. More specifically, this policy is written for:

people with a refugee background whose personal data we store and possibly share with employers;
the employers with whom Refugee Talent Hub concludes a cooperation agreement (Partners);
recipients of our newsletter;
social organizations with which we collaborate to provide better job opportunities for refugees.
What do all the legal terms mean?

Because many legal terms are used in the GDPR, we would like to explain them first.

Personal data: any data that provides information about a natural person and with which you can directly or indirectly determine the identity of this person. For example, a name, (e-mail) address or telephone number.

Data subject: the person to whom a personal data relates, or his representative. In the case of Refugee Talent Hub, for example, this is the candidate whose address and telephone number are stored.

Processing personal data: everything you can do with personal data, such as:

collecting, recording and organizing data;
requesting, changing and consulting data;
providing data to others;
blocking or destroying data.
Controller: the person or organization that determines:

whether personal data may be processed and if so, which ones;
for what purpose these personal data may be processed;
what exactly that processing entails; and
which resources may be used.
Processor: the organization that processes personal data for the controller. To achieve this processing, a processing agreement is drawn up.

Processing agreement: an agreement in which the controller (Partner) and the processor (we as RTH) make agreements about the processing of personal data.

What personal data does Refugee Talent Hub ask you?

Refugee Talent Hub only collects and processes data that has been voluntarily provided to us via registration, online or by email. We treat all data confidentially and only use it to inform candidates about our activities or (when registering for an activity with one of our Partners) to inform Partners about who is coming. We process the following data of those involved (candidates): First name, Last name, E-mail address, Telephone number, Date of birth, Country of birth, Postal code, City, Residence status or not, Dutch level, English level, Desired professional sector, Education, LinkedIn profile, Work experience , and CV.

We process the following data from our Partners: Company name, Contact person's first name, Contact person's last name, Contact person's email address, Contact person's telephone number, Contact person's position.

We process this data to collect information about the candidates who are in our database / want to participate in our activities. This information is collected because it is necessary for the activities that Refugee Talent Hub carries out: bringing refugees and the labor market closer together.

Why and how do we process your personal data?

We comply with the law when processing personal data. We process this data in a proper, careful and transparent manner, as required by law. The personal data belongs to Data Subjects and Partners and we only use it for the purposes we have mentioned above. If we want to use the data more broadly, we will request permission from the person in question and/or provide a legal basis for this.

The data subjects (candidates) who register with us and Partners of Refugee Talent Hub are responsible for the accuracy of the personal data. candidates can request, change or delete their data at any time by logging into their personal online account. We regularly check whether we are allowed to store the personal data:

If Data Subjects have not logged in for 6 months (or have never logged in after their registration 6 months ago), we will send an email to ask whether their details are still correct and whether they are still interested in RTH activities, and with